This Japanese bamboo has large dark green leaves and is an excellent choice for a mid-sized hedge. Does best in an area that gets some afternoon shade. Fairly fast spreading, uniform foliage. Protect from cold drying winds.
Eventual size: 1 to 1.5 m
One of the smallest bamboos. The most noticeable characteristic of this bamboo is the very tough and erect leaf texture that very much look like little palm or fern leaves. Invasive, hardy.
Eventual size: 30-50 cm
This majestic bamboo, with its towering spires of golden yellow culms painted with random green stripes, is truly a sight to behold. Like other large bamboos, Phyllostachys vivax ‘Aureocaulis’ will appreciate the sunniest location possible. Invasive.
Eventual size: 8 to 10 m
The Golden crookstem bamboo (so called due to its occasional kinked new growth) is a wonderfully dainty bamboo with bright gold canes and airy foliage. The emerging canes are blushed pink in strong sunlight, making this a very attractive specimen . Invasive. Hardy.
Eventual size: 6 to 7 m
Vigorous small bamboo forming a thicket of erect stems to 3 m high bearing dark green leaves to 40cm in length, the tips and margins turning pale brown in winter, giving a variegated. Invasive. Grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil, best in partial shade. Protect from cold drying winds.
Eventual size: 3 m
Dwarf bamboo, which is low-maintenance and evergreen, with deep green leaves and red-flushed canes. Plants are hardy and will last for many years. Invasive. Sun or semi shade. Hardy.
Eventual size: 40 – 80 cm