Festuca Gautieri ‘Pic Carlit’
Small cushions of very fine, densely growing green leaves, becoming greener in winter. Evergreen. All soils.
Eventual size: 30 to 40 cm
Category | Ornamental grasses |
Tag | Fescue |
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Deschampsia Cespitosa ‘Goldschleier’
Tufted hair grass
‘Goldschleier’ is a tuft-forming evergreen perennial with dark, bluish-green leaves. It produces golden-yellow flowers with a silvery sheen from late spring to summer that are followed by long-lasting plumes giving good autumn display. Well-drained, Moist but well-drained soil. Hardy.
Eventual size: 1 to 1.2 m
Imperata Cylindrica ‘Red Baron’
Japanese blood grass
‘Red Baron’ is a deciduous grass forming a loose clump of erect, linear green leaves strongly suffused with deep red, and narrow silvery flower panicles in late summer. Medium hardy. Well-drained, Moist but well-drained soil.
Eventual size: 30 – 50 cm
Deschampsia Cespitosa
Tufted hair grass
D. cespitosa is an evergreen grass forming a neat tussock of narrow, leathery, dark green leaves to 60cm long, with feathery panicles of silvery-purple flowers on arching stems in summer. Moist but well-drained soil. Hardy.
Eventual size: 1.5 to 2 m
Carex Flacca
Blue sedge
Blue sedge spreads to form a mat of bluish-green foliage. The plant can be used as a ground cover or in rock gardens. Best growth occurs in the sun but the plant will grow in shade. Hardyn evergreen. Moist soil.
Eventual size: 30 to 70 cm