‘Yakushima Dwarf’ is a compact deciduous grass to 1 m tall, forming a clump of narrow leaves, with feathery pale brown flowerheads in mid autumn. Hardy but not evergreen.
Eventual size: 1 m
Upright-stemmed long, narrow grasslike leaves, striped lengthwise with white and green. Herbaceous perennial. Moisture tolerant. Deciduous. Can be invasive.
Eventual size: 60 cm to 1 m
‘Overdam’ is a compact tufted grass forming a clump of narrow, yellow to cream-striped leaves, with airy purplish sprays of flower becoming pale brown in winter.
Evergreen but not very hardy. Moist but well-drained soil.
Eventual size: 1.25 to 1.50 m
Compact perennial grass with arching bluegreen linear leaves and pink to redbrown flower plumes in late summer. All soils. Reasonably hardy.
Eventual size: 70 cm
‘Ice Dance’ is an evergreen sedge forming a low, slow-spreading tufted mound. The green, glossy leaves are edged with white and small, inconspicuous brown flower spikes appear in late spring. Moist but well-drained.
Eventual size: 40 to 60 cm